
Learn about the origins of TruCol and the team behind TruCol.

The origins of TruCol

We experienced that we did not always have the time or a skill for specific coding work ourselves when setting up our own company. Setting out bounties would provide a great solution for this. However, existing systems require an often costly middleperson and a modicum of trust between all parties. This is why we set out to develop a decentralized, trust-less collaboration platform and protocol for test-driven programming development. The project started at the ETHDenver Hackathon as a collaboration between four students interested in the development of Ethereum projects. After competing in various categories, and successfully claiming multiple bounties, the team decided to continue with the development of the project.


Akke Toeter


A master student of space exploration at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University and Technology and a master student of cognitive computing at the faculty of Social Sciences at Radboud University.


Chihab Amghane


Currently pursuing his Msc. degree in Artificial Intelligence with a specialisation in Intelligent Technology. Chihab was interested in this project after reading about TruCol’s mission statement. In his free time Chihab loves to tinker with new technologies and experiment with embedded electronics!


Clara Maine


Clara has recently completed a bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence at Radboud University and wrote a thesis relating to the societal impacts and ethics of recommender systems. She plans to spend the foreseeable future finding ways to synthesize her technical knowledge with her artistic passions and contribute meaningfully to her local communities in Nijmegen and the USA. In addition to her continuing pursuit of knowledge, she hopes to spend time on projects which recognize and foster humanity’s great potential for collaboration.


Eric van der Toorn


Another extremely bright student of the faculty of computer science of Delft University of Technology pursuing a masters in Artificial Intelligence with a specialisation in bio-informatics. Eric completed his BSc. in computer science cum laude and completed an extracurricular honours project on theoretical machine learning. He volunteers as Section Leader at Code In Place by Stanford University.


Marc Droogh


Pursues a masters degree in Artificial Intelligence at the computer science faculty of the Delft University of Technology. He completed a minor in finance and has experience in successfully setting up Conexy, an online private-tuition matchmaking platform. Furthermore, Marc created the Virgiel Opening Week app 2019 for his student association, which was used by hundreds of students simultaneously.


Rashim Charles

Business Development

Starts at business development within TruCol, gradually moves towards application development in a more developer-oriented role.


Chinari Subhechha Subudhi


Subhechha is currently pursuing her MSc. degree in Space Flight with a specialisation in Space Exploration at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of Delft University of Technology. Besides that she contributes as developer to TruCol.


Victoria Bosch


A motivated student with an interdisciplinary bachelor in artificial intelligence and philosophy at the Liberal Arts & Sciences faculty of Utrecht University. Victoria currently works on a master in Artificial Intelligence with a specialisation in cognitive computing at Radboud University. She has a passion for making science accessible and works on science outreach as the editor in chief at De Focus” - an online platform for scientific journalism.